13 februari t/m 8 mei 2016
The Noordbrabants Museum in Den Bosch (Holland) will stage an exhibition dedicated to Hieronymus Bosch from 13 February to 8 May 2016. This major overview exhibition of the works of Hieronymus Bosch (ca. 1450 Den Bosch 1516) is based on extensive global research conducted into his relatively small oeuvre. Never before have so many works of the master been brought together in Den Bosch where they were made. Many paintings were restored following the study of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project, receiving funding from amongst others The Getty Foundation (Panel Paintings Initiative). The 9 paintings (12 panels) will be on view to the public for the first time at this exhibition. The majority of the paintings will be returned to their original glory in 2016.
The Noordbrabants Museum in Den Bosch (Holland) will stage an exhibition dedicated to Hieronymus Bosch from 13 February to 8 May 2016. This major overview exhibition of the works of Hieronymus Bosch (ca. 1450 Den Bosch 1516) is based on extensive global research conducted into his relatively small oeuvre. Never before have so many works of the master been brought together in Den Bosch where they were made. Many paintings were restored following the study of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project, receiving funding from amongst others The Getty Foundation (Panel Paintings Initiative). The 9 paintings (12 panels) will be on view to the public for the first time at this exhibition. The majority of the paintings will be returned to their original glory in 2016.