Blue & White: British Printed Ceramics

31 January 2015 – 3 January 2016

Blue and white printed ceramics are a pronounced British phenomenon with continued appeal for potters, artists and consumers. At its very best ceramic printing in blue results in a high-quality, technically precise and aesthetically pleasing decoration, enabling a rapid design response to society and culture.

This display features the wide variety of designs and decoration used in blue and white printed ceramics in Britain from the 1750s to present day, in both industrial and art production, demonstrating how these objects reflect British society, culture and interpret the wider world.

The display has been generously supported by The Headley Trust and includes loans from The Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, The Spode Museum Trust, The Wedgwood Museum and private collections. Displays complement our permanent collections; there are many free temporary displays around the V&A. They range in size from a single case to a room.


28. JANUAR 2015 - 3. MAI 2015

Rund 100 Jahre nach dem Tod von August Macke zeigt das Lenbachhaus in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunstmuseum Bonn erstmals eine Ausstellung, die sich mit der Freundschaft von August Macke und Franz Marc und ihrem künstlerischen Austausch auseinandersetzt. Rund 200 Gemälde, Arbeiten auf Papier, kunstgewerbliche Objekten und private Dokumente führen Leben und Werk der beiden Künstler von 1910 bis 1914 vor Augen und verdeutlichen nicht nur, wie sich Macke und Marc gegenseitig inspirierten, sondern auch, wie eng und herzlich ihre Freundschaft war.

Am 6. Januar 1910 besuchte Macke zum ersten Mal Marc in seinem Münchener Atelier. Damit begann eine Freundschaft, die in menschlicher und künstlerischer Hinsicht eines der besonderen Ereignisse der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts ist. Ihr intensiver Austausch dauerte nur wenige Jahre, 1914 starb August Macke zu Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs. 1916 wurde auch Franz Marc ein Opfer des Krieges.

Die Ausstellung verfolgt in verschiedenen Sektionen die Entwicklung der beiden Künstler ab 1910 mit den ersten Begegnungen in Sindelsdorf, Tegernsee und Bonn, den farbtheoretischen Diskussionen und der Arbeit am "Blauen Reiter".

Die Sammlungen des Lenbachhauses München und des Kunstmuseums Bonn bilden den Ausgangspunkt für diese umfassende Schau. Macke verbrachte den größten Teil seines Lebens in Bonn, Marc ist der einzige geborene 'Münchner' aus dem Kreis des "Blauen Reiter", von dem das Lenbachhaus die weltweit bedeutendste Sammlung besitzt. Zahlreiche Leihgaben nationaler und internationaler Museen und Privatsammlungen ergänzen die Schau mit wichtigen Leihgaben.

Rubens and His Legacy. Van Dyck to Cézanne

24 January — 10 April 2015

Peter Paul Rubens has been described as the “prince of painters”. A bold claim? Judge for yourself at this, the first major overview of his work and legacy.

Rubens and His Legacy will bring together masterpieces produced during his lifetime, as well as major works by great artists who were influenced by him in the generations that followed. We see the influence of Rubens in the prints of Picasso and Rembrandt, in the portraiture of Van Dyck, in the hunting scenes and devotional works of Delacroix, and in the landscapes of Constable and Gainsborough. It is a far reaching and remarkable legacy.

Rubens, best known for his fleshy nude women, also embraced a broad array of subjects, from religious and mythological scenes to landscapes and portraits. We will be looking at each of these areas through the lens of six themes; power, lust, compassion, elegance, poetry and violence.

Set to be one of the biggest spectacles of 2015, this is an unprecedented opportunity to see masterpieces by Rubens side by side with the work of his artistic heirs.

Московский университет – 260. Страницы истории

23 января - 22 февраля
Что представлял собой главный университет Москвы два с половиной столетия назад? Какие существовали факультеты? Сколько лекций в день посещали учащиеся? Как выглядели студенческие билеты? Сколько стоило образование? На эти и многие и другие вопросы смогут найти ответы посетители выставки.

Московский государственный университет (тогда – Императорский Московский университет) был основан в 1755 году по предложению Ивана Шувалова и Михаила Ломоносова. Их доводы были просты: стране нужны умные образованные люди. Университет расположился на Красной площади в здании Главной аптеки. Тогда учебное заведение состояло всего из трех факультетов – философского, медицинского и факультета права.

Среди самых известных студентов и выпускников МГУ можно назвать таких людей, как Константин Бальмонт, Виссарион Белинский, Николай Бухарин, Венедикт Ерофеев, Александр Островский и другие.

Churchill's Scientists

From 23/01/2015 To 01/03/2016

‘Might a bomb no bigger than an orange be found to possess a secret power to … blast a township at a stroke?’   Winston Churchill in a 1924 article for Nash’s Pall Mall Magazine

Marking the 50th anniversary of his death, Churchill’s Scientists tells the little-known story of how Churchill’s fascination with science led to the scientific achievements that helped Britain win the Second World War.

Discover how the power of science was harnessed during the war, from the recent invention of radar and the production of penicillin and antibiotics, to Britain’s top secret research behind the first atomic bomb. See these incredible events brought to life through a rich array of significant historical objects, original film footage, letters and archive images.

Explore how the culture of scientific achievement fostered by Churchill flourished after the war, invigorating scientific research across a wide range of fields, including molecular genetics, radio astronomy, nuclear power, nerve and brain function and robotics.

The exhibition features a number of personal objects belonging to Churchill, such as the cigar he was smoking in 1951 on the day he learned he'd been re-elected as Prime Minister, and his green velvet ‘siren suit’ – a one-piece outfit devised by him and designed to be put on in a hurry during air raids.

1915-2015 Tradition-Legacy-Culture

January 23 – April 26, 2015

“The role of art is to make a world which can be inherited.” —William Saroyan

As part of Fresno’s participation in the worldwide commemoration of the one hundred year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the Fresno Art Museum will present Tradition, Legacy, Culture, an exhibition that will showcase works by internationally and regionally renowned artists of Armenian descent. The artists to be exhibited include John Altoon, Varujan Boghosian, Ara Dolarian, Charles Garabedian, Arshile Gorky, Khachik Khachatouryan, Ed Marouk, Rueben Nakian, Varaz Samuelian, William Saroyan, and Arminee Shishmanian.  The works will demonstrate the enduring traditions that have remained prevalent in Armenian art over the centuries and the pride these artists have in their culture.

Painting Music in the Age of Caravaggio

January 20–April 5, 2015

This exhibition poses the question, What did people "hear" when they looked at paintings of musical performances by Caravaggio and his contemporaries? There is no doubt that these pictures had an intentionally aural, as well as visual, component: silent music is their theme.

The period during which the three paintings on view in the exhibition—Caravaggio's The Musicians, Valentin de Boulogne's The Lute Player, and Laurent de La Hyre's Allegory of Music—were created witnessed the birth of opera and the promotion of the solo voice performed by professional singers rather than amateurs. It also witnessed the creation of new instruments that challenged the primacy of the lute. The exhibition pairs the three paintings with musical instruments similar to those depicted, and an audio component allows visitors to hear music played on them


15 января 2015 - 1 марта 2015

Изначально организаторы выставки всего лишь хотели показать фотоснимки завода советского периода, но в результате проект разросся до масштабного исследования индустриального пласта культуры.

Роль завода в жизни россиянина на протяжении XX века менялась. Выставка «PROзавод» расскажет историю этих изменений при помощи фотографий, видео и коллажей.

В истории страны завод прошел долгий путь от агитационных плакатов до современных арт-пространств.

Кроме того, завод всегда привлекал людей с художественной точки зрения: масштабы помещений и сложные конструкции завораживают и вызывают интерес.

На выставке можно увидеть фотографии, сделанные Борисом Игнатовичем, Максом Альпертом, Александром Сориным, а также кинематографические работы Сергея Эйзенштейна и Дзиги Вертова, посвященные теме завода.

Посетители смогут не только проследить, как из утилитарного завод стал культурообразующим явлением, но и понять для себя, как менялась фотография в техническом и художественном смысле в течение всех этих лет.

Adventures of the Black Square: Abstract Art and Society 1915 - 2015

15 January - 6 April 2015

Bringing together over 100 works by 80 modern masters and contemporary artists including Carl Andre, Dan Flavin, Piet Mondrian, Gabriel Orozco and Aleksander Rodchenko, the exhibition will trace a century of Abstract art from 1915 to today, shedding new light on the evolution of geometric abstraction.

Beginning with Kazimir Malevich’s Black and White. Suprematist Composition (1915) the exhibition will explore how abstract art can both underpin socially transformative spaces and filter into all aspects of visual culture.

Exhibition highlights include an entire wall filled with photographs documenting the radio towers of Moscow and Berlin by Aleksandr Rodchenko and László Moholy-Nagy amongst others, blow-up archive photographs of iconic exhibitions running through the history of abstraction and a selection of magazines which convey revolutionary ideas in art and society through typography and graphic design.


С 14 января по 28 февраля 

Following the initial presentation of “Balthus: The Last Studies” at Gagosian New York at the time of the Metropolitan Museum's retrospective “Balthus: Cats and Girls” in 2013, Gagosian Paris is pleased to announce a career-spanning exhibition of Balthus’s paintings, drawings, and photographs. Prepared in collaboration with artist’s estate, this will be the first exhibition of his work in Paris since the 1983–84 retrospective at the Centre Georges Pompidou.

Balthus was the reclusive painter of charged and disquieting narrative scenes, whose inspirative sources and embrace of exquisitely rigorous technique reach back to the early Renaissance, though with a subversive modern twist. Working independently of avant-garde movements such as Surrealism, he turned to antecedents including Piero della Francesca and Gustave Courbet, appropriating their techniques to depict the physical and psychic struggles of adolescence. Casting viewers as voyeurs of pubescent female subjects brooding with uneasy dreams, he scandalized Parisian audiences with his first gallery exhibition in 1934. In his interior portraits, street scenes, and landscapes of the next seventy years, Balthus cultivated a self-taught classicism as a framework for more enigmatic artistic investigations.

Armin T. Wegner, un giusto per gli Armeni e per gli Ebrei

09 Gennaio 2015 a Martedì, 03 Febbraio 2015

Dal 9 gennaio al 3 febbraio 2015, in occasione della Giornata della Memoria 2015, la Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata della Repubblica d’Armenia in Italia, il Consolato della Repubblica d’Armenia di Milano, il Centro Studi e Documentazione della Cultura Armena, il Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach,  l’Unione degli Armeni d’Italia e la Comunità Ebraica di Venezia) organizza nelle sue Sale Monumentali la mostra “Armin T. Wegner. Un giusto per gli Armeni e per gli Ebrei” (entrata dal Museo Correr, con biglietto integrato dei Musei di Piazza San Marco) .

L’esposizione consta di 24 pannelli con 80 fotografie scattate dall’Ufficiale tedesco Armin T. Wegner, testimone oculare del genocidio degli Armeni, perpetrato nel 1915 dal governo dei Giovani turchi, genocidio in cui hanno perso la vita più di un milione e mezzo di persone. Il percorso espositivo è inoltre corredato da carte geografiche e schede storiche e documenta l’impegno di Wegner nella difesa dei diritti civili e il suo sforzo di far conoscere al mondo quanto era accaduto nei deserti dell’Anatolia. Giunge così a Venezia una mostra itinerante che ha già toccato 90 città in Italia e all’Estero, ora arricchita di un nuovo contributo che mette in risalto il rapporto di Armin T. Wegner con l’ebraismo e la sua resistenza al nazismo: in mostra saranno proposti il testo della lettera inviata da Wegner a Hitler e un estratto dell’intervista con Martin Rooney sul rapporto tra Wegner e l’ebraismo.