Дания и царская Россия

Дания, Музей национальной истории в замке Фредериксборг, www.dnm.dk
30 августа -  1 декабря 2013 г.

Организаторы, участники: Музей национальной истории в замке Фредерискборг, Музеи Московского Кремля

Danmark og zarernes Rusland 1600-1900
Til efteråret inviterer Det Nationalhistoriske Museum inden for i de russiske zarers verden med alt, hvad der hertil hører af pomp og pragt, når museet slår dørene op for den internationale særudstilling "Danmark og zarernes Rusland". Museet fortæller historien om de mange dansk-russiske relationer og låner kostbare museumsgenstande fra en lang række danske og russiske museer. Museet låner blandt andet pragtsølv fra Kreml, hvilket var en del af den medgift, som Christian 4.s søn Valdemar Christian førte til Moskva, da han skulle giftes med zarens datter. Udstillingen fortæller om zar Peter den Store, Katharina den Store og om, hvordan den danske prinsesse Dagmar blev gift ind i den russiske zars familie i 1881. I Riddersalen kan du opleve det russiske hofs pomp og pragt, idet der blandt andet udstilles elegante gallakjoler fra dengang, der holdtes store hofballer i Vinterpaladset i Rusland.

Русский рисунок и акварель ХIХ – начала ХХ века

24 августа – 27 октября 2013

24 августа в Музейном комплексе Сергея Андрияки откроется выставка "Русский рисунок и акварель ХIХ — начала ХХ века". В экспозиции более ста редких работ Бенуа, Врубеля, Серова, Петрова-Водкина из собрания Вологодской областной картинной галереи. Все это в рамках ежегодного проекта "Шедевры музейных коллекций". В Москву уже приезжали рисунки и акварели из Пермского, Саратовского, Тверского и других нестоличных музеев: Айвазовский, Брюллов, Васнецов, Левитан, Суриков, Шишкин. В провинциальных галереях целая россыпь мало кому известных шедевров, есть шанс все это увидеть. 

Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Hals: Masterpieces from the Mauritshuis

22nd October 2013 - 12th January 2014

The Frick Collection is pleased to announce that in the fall of 2013, it will be the final venue of an American tour of paintings from the Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, The Hague. This prestigious Dutch museum, which has not lent a large body of works from its holdings in nearly thirty years, is undergoing an extensive two-year renovation that makes this opportunity possible. Between January 2013 and January 2014, the Mauritshuis will send thirty-five paintings to the United States, following two stops at Japanese institutions. The American exhibition opens next winter at de Young/Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, traveling on to the High Museum of Art in Atlanta for the summer of 2013. A smaller selection of ten masterpieces will be on view at The Frick Collection in New York from October 22, 2013, through January 12, 2014. Among the works going on tour are the famous Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer and The Goldfinch by Carel Fabritius, neither of which will have been seen by American audiences in ten years. Emilie Gordenker, Director of the Mauritshuis, comments, “We are delighted to have three excellent museums as partners for our U.S. tour. This agreement allows us to present our collection on both the west and east coasts of the United States, in large as well as more intimate venues.”

The ten paintings coming to the Frick, all highlights of the Mauritshuis collection, represent the range of subject matter and technique prevalent in seventeenth-century painting in The Netherlands. They are Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring, c. 1665; Rembrandt van Rijn’sSimeon’s Song of Praise, 1631, and his Portrait of an Elderly Man, 1667; Frans Hals’s pendant portraits of Jacob Olycan (1596–1638) and Aletta Hanemans (1606–1653), both painted in 1625; Carel Fabritius’s The Goldfinch, 1654; Gerard ter Borch’s Woman Writing a Letter, c. 1655; Jan Steen’s Girl Eating Oysters, c. 1658–60, and ‘The Way you Hear It, Is the Way You Sing It’, c. 1665; and Jacob van Ruisdael’s View of Haarlem with Bleaching Grounds, c. 1670–75.

American Modern: Hopper to O'Keeffe

17th August 2013 - 26th January 2014

Drawn from MoMA’s collection, American Modern takes a fresh look at the Museum’s holdings of American art made between 1915 and 1950.

Despite having its head turned by the 20th-century European avant-garde, MoMA has always kept a place in its heart for domestic works. In fact, Edward Hopper’s House by the Railroad, included in this exhibition, was the first painting in the museum’s collection. Check out moody pieces from 1915 to 1950 that illustrate the major themes and styles of the period: the rise of cities and industry (John Marin’s abstract watercolors of lower Manhattan), rural scenes (the haunting Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth), still-life and portraiture.

No Foreign Lands: Peter Doig

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art
3rd August 2013 - 3rd September 2013

The first major Scottish show by Edinburgh-born Doig focuses on paintings from the last decade that reflect years spent between Trinidad, London and Germany. His paintings are filled with oblique references and unsettling atmosphere, local colour and characters. Fetching mind-boggling prices these days, he still tries to keep it real.

This important international exhibition is a collaboration with the Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal and surveys the paintings and works on paper that Doig has created during the past 10 years, with a particular emphasis on the artist's approach to serial motifs and recurring imagery. These works are exotic in their subject matter, formally spare and monumental at the same time and show Doig working at the height of his extraordinary powers.

His inventive style, uncommonly sensuous palette and suggestive imagery set him apart from the conceptualism dominating much of contemporary art. A willingness to take up the challenge still posed by the paintings of Gauguin, Matisse, Bonnard, Marsden Hartley and Edward Hopper places him in a long line of great colourists, expressive handlers of paint and creators of richly textured worlds.